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Leaders in healthcare: why you should attend this year’s annual conference
  1. Kirstin Armit,
  2. Peter Lees
  1. Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, London, UK
  1. Correspondence to Dr Peter Lees, FMLM, 6 St Andrews Place, London NW1 4LB, UK; peter.lees{at}

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Progress in medicine has for decades been underpinned by a plethora of opportunities to share and learn from the findings of research and audit. A veritable international industry has been built around this deeply ingrained pursuit. Thus, as we proceed on the inexorable route to professionalising medical leadership, it is logical to develop the same opportunities for medical leadership. Beyond logical argument, there is a hunger in the field. On its first anniversary, the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM) held its first annual conference and 700 people turned up, a level of interest that has been maintained ever since.

Last year’s annual conference was the first organised through a new partnership between FMLM and the BMJ. We aim to capitalise on the BMJ’s global reach and offer international …

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