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Leadership for careful and kind care
Moving beyond 'think leadership, think white male': the contents and contexts of equity, diversity and inclusion in physician leadership programmes
Burn-out in the health workforce during the COVID-19 pandemic: opportunities for workplace and leadership approaches to improve well-being
ChatGPT: a novel AI assistant for healthcare messaging-a commentary on its potential in addressing patient queries and reducing clinician burnout
Time to get serious about distributed leadership: lessons to learn for promoting leadership development for non-consultant career grade doctors in the UK
Distributing systems level leadership to address the COVID-19 pandemic
Embedding research (ER) led by nurses, midwives and allied health professionals (NMAHPs): the NMAHP-ER model
Stemming the 'Leaky Pipeline': an investigation of the relationship between work-family conflict and women's career progression in academic medicine
Diversity matters: the other doctor within the Dutch academic healthcare system
Attributes, skills and actions of clinical leadership in nursing as reported by hospital nurses: a cross-sectional study
Supporting the pursuit of professionalism during a crisis
Identifying leadership in medical trainees: evaluation of a competency-based approach
What can clinical leaders contribute to the governance of integrated care systems?
How does authentic leadership influence the safety climate in nursing?
Leadership to improve nurse engagement and empowerment: evidences to improve the training of nurses
Kotter's 8 stages of change: implementation of clinical screening protocols for assessing patients for COVID-19-a review of an academic medical centre's preparedness
Let's reconnect healthcare with its mission and purpose by bringing humanity to the point of care
Exploring the implementation and evaluation of a distributed leadership model within a Scottish, integrated health and care context
Ten minutes with Anny Sykes
Case for mandatory COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in health and aged care settings: a guide for leaders