Clearly relate to the Second victim. For example, ‘Second victim’ rapid-response team helps fellow clinicians recover from trauma’ Specifically relate to the doctor or physician when an adverse event, near miss or medical error takes place Worldwide quantitative or qualitative studies Published in English language
Relate specifically to a medical or clinical condition rather than the support for the second victim. For example, ‘A global survey of adverse event following immunization surveillance systems for pregnant women and their infants’
Relate to or focus on the process of ‘reporting systems’ Relate to liability, litigation or cost of adverse event, near miss or medical error Relate to an adverse event, near miss or medical error that is attributable to a device or procedure that does not involve a human intervention. For example, ‘Serious adverse event reporting in a medical device information system’
Population are only nurse or healthcare professional Focus on patient safety Unavailable in English language Unavailable from publisher