Table 5

Guiding questions

PopulationHas the intended population been clearly defined?
Does this definition exclude long-stay patients?
Can this definition be maintained rigorously, despite any pressure to admit ineligible patients?Are patient volumes sufficient to maintain steady demand for all streams?
Does patient demand outstrip the intervention’s capacity, creating a backlog?
CapacityDoes the design identify dedicated clinicians for the intervention?
Is there dedicated physical space for the intervention?
Is the use of physical space optimised (eg, are suitable patients treated in chairs)?
Can the space be protected from other uses?
Is there a team of service providers (physician, nurses, support staff) available for the intervention, in adequate numbers to meet demand?
Are there adequate resources to maintain designated clinicians and space?
If patients are not to be discharged home, are there available sites to which they can flow?
ProcessIs the care process from assessment to discharge as streamlined as it can be, enabling rapid cycle time?Is the time frame intended for the intervention maintained?