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23 Meteor – an in-house training program for transforming expert clinicians to cutting edge leaders at tel aviv sourasky medical center (ICHILOV)
  1. Lilach Inbar1,
  2. Gil Fire2,
  3. Zvi Roll3
  1. 1The Tel Aviv Sorasky Medical Center (Ichilov), Meteor Program
  2. 2Associate Professor, School of Health Sciences, University of Ariel, and the Tel aviv Sorasky Medical Center (Ichilov), Israel
  3. 3Health Systems Management, Ramat Gan Academic College, Israel


Context The project was conducted in the Tel Aviv Medical Center Ichikov in Israel.

The team invloved was the hospital’s CEO and Deputies, as well as experts specializinf in developing leadership in healthcare systems.

The target group was new clinical heads of department at the hospital.

Issue/Challenge The challenge was to design and facilitate a learning journey that would enable and encourage the participants to transform from excellent and expert clinicians and researchers to leaders, since this requires them to abandon work patterns, narratives and paradigms that have successfully served them so far, and adopt a whole new set of leadership concepts, values, knowledge, and skills.

The training program widened the participants’ points of view, and gave them a better understanding of the system, as well as their ability to promote their vision in it. As a result, they have transitioned into effective leaders with a potential to become the next generation of top leadership in Israel’s healthcare eco-system.

Assessment of issue and analysis of its causes

In Israel, the selection of new heads of clinical departments is not conditioned by prior mangement training or diplome. The main criteria is clinical and research excellence. The program particiapants prepared and executed projects, and ther was also a constant peer lrearninng. The hospital’s senior management took part in the design of the project and in mentoring the participants.

Impact The projects proposed by the program participants became an integral part of the hospital’s work. The combination of simultaneous fifteen projects has a deep impact on the hospital’s team and patients.

Intervention The project’s princilples and design could be implemented in every hospital in the word,with the necessary adjustments to the specific country and hospital cultures.

Involvement of stakeholders, such as patients, carers or family members:

Six ptrojects out of 15, led by the program‘s participants, focus on patients experience and involve patients.

Key Messages Clinicians nominated to management positions should undergoe effective leadership training

Lessons learnt Project-based learning, combined with peer learning and deep management involvement, is the key for leadership growth

Measurement of improvement The program particiant proved their ability to lead changes in the hospital through their projects

Strategy for improvement All participants informed that they have improved their systemic approach, their effective communication, their ability to motivate their teams, and their decision making in complex situations

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