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24 EyeStrive: a virtual ophthalmology taster programme for foundation doctors looking for an insight into a career in Ophthalmology during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
  1. Maha Noor1,
  2. Akash Dharni2,
  3. Rehna Khan3,
  4. Shabeena Aziz4
  1. 1Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford, UK
  2. 2Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bradford, UK
  3. 3Consultant Ophthalmologist, Evolutio Care Innovations Ltd, UK
  4. 4General Practitioner, UK


Background The implementation of social distancing measures during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic limited Ophthalmology departments in offering face-to-face taster days to foundation doctors to promote career development. Therefore, we developed an e-learning platform for junior doctors to gain an insight into Ophthalmology, while maintaining the same level of detail as face-to-face programmes.

Methods We explored the literature surrounding medical education adaptations to social distancing measures. A pre-programme survey was conducted investigating interest in a virtual Ophthalmology taster programme within the Yorkshire and Humber deanery. A positive response resulted in the development of ‘Eyestrive’ – a comprehensive e-learning platform ( It consisted of five pre-course modules, each led by a consultant ophthalmologist, followed by a full day virtual interactive workshop comprising of lectures and wet lab. The modules included:

  1. Clinical Skills: resources on ophthalmic examinations with follow–on feedback.

  2. Clinical Signs: photographs of ocular pathologies complemented by multiple choice questions.

  3. Special Module: a) Teaching Others b) Audit/Quality Improvement c) Critical Appraisal

  4. FRCOphth Part 1 Club: key topics of the exam taught by trainees.

  5. Virtual Wet Lab: attendees practiced suturing and knot tying techniques under supervision.

Results Twenty-four junior doctors attending from UK, Ireland, and Malaysia completed the programme. Pre- and post-programme questionnaires showed increased confidence in critical appraisal and surgical skills, understanding of quality improvement principles, and the ability to assess the acute red eye.

Conclusion Eyestrive sets a blueprint for designing a virtual training programme. The pre-course modules followed by ‘virtual workshop’ can be applied to undergraduate and postgraduate medical teaching across various specialties. In the COVID era, this has been a timely contribution.

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