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26 Health workforce and hospital capacity management in the context of COVID-19 pandemic response
  1. Santoshi Balkrishna Sinai Malkarnekar1,
  2. Priyanka suresh2
  1. 1Medical Superintendent , HAL Hospital, Bangalore, India
  2. 2Medical officer, HAL Hospital , Bangalore , India


Aims a) Health workforce and hospital capacity building in the covid-19 pandemic.

Challenges a) Lack of adequate staff capacity including ICU capable staff b) Need for real time re-designs of models for COVID-19 patients, without affecting essential services.

Intervention 1) Measures taken to improve staff levels:

Recruited and trained doctors and nurses from other specialties. Temporary re-deployment of clinicians of various specialties. New graduates were mentored and on-the-job training for generalist workers provided.

2) Measures taken to increase hospital capacity:

Reduced elective medical care Altered and re-purposed clinic and underused spaces for COVID-19 services.Home-based care for COVID-19 patients with mild or moderate symptoms.

3) Additional strategies :

Developed COVID-19 pandemic preparedness committee. Nodal officer nominated to liaise with government authorities.Rapid procurement of ventilators, oxygen concentrators and respirators for health care workers. Telemedicine platforms for clinical advice to patients.

Impact Expansion of staff and bed capacity, ensured that COVID-19 and non COVID-19 emergencies were treated adequately.

Conclusion Health care organizations will be challenged to adjust capacity, redesign care and redeploy staff in a pandemic. Building health workforce capacity, will support health systems in the immediate response and also form a foundation for global health security in future.

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