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Leveraging physician leadership in healthtech startups in India


Background India has seen a rapid surge in health tech startups that have disrupted many aspects of the healthcare industry. While positive trends have emerged in online pharmacy, telemedicine, and medical education; we are still to see these health tech startups create similar dividends in other aspects of healthcare especially in direct care and treatment. While startups have grown leaps and bounds in multiple industries, health tech startups have not grown to the same extent. There are many existing factors for this supposedly lackluster performance. The author discusses one of these factors contributing to the slow growth of health tech startups in India.

Conclusion The author highlights the lack of intent from the top leadership and executive bodies of these startups to involve physicians at all levels of decision making. A lack of insights from professionals directly involved with the functioning of healthcare and lack of inexperience from outsiders managing these startups may have contributed to this slow growth of health tech startups in India. The author further discusses possible solutions and key factors that can help contribute to better engagement of physicians in decision-making tables of the health tech startups.

  • clinical leadership
  • health system
  • multi-disciplinary
  • organisational effectiveness
  • Senior medical leader

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