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174 SPARSH – A novel approach to health education. By the medical students, for the community: reaching out, beyond the classroom
  1. Manukonda Garata Reddy,
  2. Vijay K Yelamanchali,
  3. PSN Murthy
  1. Dr.Pinnamaneni Siddartha Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Foundation, Chinna Avutapalli, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, India


SPARSH (Students of Pinnamaneni to Achieve Awareness and reach out Social and Sustainable Health) is a non-profit voluntary organization started by medical students of Dr.PSIMS &RF, Andhra Pradesh, India. Started by four students who wanted to raise health awareness in the community, nurtured by Dr PSN Murthy, it rose into a dynamic medical student body dedicated to raise awareness on basic health issues through outreach campaigns for the past four years.


  1. Raising awareness on specific health issues rampant but generally ignored.

  2. Fanning the spark of leadership qualities and communication skills in medic students.


  1. Menstrual hygiene (2016): Menstrual hygiene; Raising awareness on taboos and issues regarding menstruation.

  2. Breast Cancer (2017): Busting the myths on breast cancer and raising awareness about self breast examination; Mobilised mass hair donation for cancer survivors.

  3. Depression (2018–19): Aim to create a stigma-free society for people with mental illness. On caring for loved ones and seeking help.

  4. COVID-19 (2020): Role of hand wash, respiratory hygiene and social distancing in infection prevention.


  • Organised events in 110 educational institutions.

  • Involved over 10,000 students and general public.

Feedback The reflections of medical students from their participation:

‘Speaking and communicating to a crowd is much different experience from medical school setting’

‘Surprised at the amount of stigma, taboo and ignorance about menstruation’

‘Speaking about depression really made us connect with the audience’

‘The interaction with community has given us a new perspective of medical practice’

Future plans

  1. Collaborating with other student bodies and NGOs to complement our work.

  2. Aggressive outreach on social media platforms.

  3. More structured schedule to balance academics and outreach activities.

  • Depression
  • Health education
  • Rural health
  • Menstrual hygiene.

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