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Aims and Methods The ‘medical take’ is a demanding process, whereby doctors review and manage acute admissions. We created a task force group and collaborated with Patienteer, a patient tracking software that can pull real-time patient information from our electronic medical record system Cerner, in order to improve this experience for our staff and ultimately improve patient care.
A bespoke electronic medical take list was which allowed us to overcome previously identified issues:
Patient details were automatically added to the list (removing the potential for transcription errors)
Multiple user access
Live location
Live NEWS2 scores
Thereafter, 6 months’ worth of data was analysed from February to September 2019.
Results Doctors were surveyed through an anonymised online questionnaire, with 27 respondents who had used both the old Excel list and the new Patienteer list. 89% found Patienteer to be improve efficiency. Two-thirds overall found it helped prioritise clinical need. 78% found patient details were captured more accurately with Patienteer. Accessibility was also thought to have improved, with 85% favouring Patienteer as being ‘easier’ or ‘much easier’ to access. 59% thought Patienteer had decreased their workload. 96% would overall, recommend the new Patienteer medical take list.
Through 6344 patient encounters, various outcomes were reviewed. There was a significant inverse correlation between NEWS2 scores and time taken for a medical doctor review: as NEWS2 score increased, patients were seen earlier. The time taken to be seen in minutes was expressed as = -4.24621*NEWS + 133.031, where NEWS is the NEWS2 score (p=0.0002397).
Conclusion The survey suggested the Patienteer medical take list had made the acute medical take experience more efficient and decreased the workload. There is also a suggestion that patient care is improved through the display of the NEWS2 score, allowing doctors to prioritise sicker patients earlier.