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36 The UK’s first paediatric physician associate programme
  1. Natalie Daniels
  1. Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, UK


Physician Associates (PA’s) are innovative healthcare professionals underutilised in the Paediatric setting, with less than 20 working in the specialty across the UK. With a national shortage of Paediatricians, we have recruited 15 PA’s to our organisation increasing our tier 1 workforce and bring diversity to medical teams within 12 months.

Work has been undertaken to disseminate information about PA training and scope of practice with an overall vision including:

- Job plans developed to set out capabilities

- Department specific curricula and competency documents

- Development of CPD Programme

- Dedicated supervisory roles and weekly Leads meetings to facilitate training and troubleshooting

- Development of a management structure has enabled each team to have clinical and non-clinical input with members working to their strengths

We have taken advantage of enthusiasm and institutional drives for change; seeking patient, doctor and allied health professionals feedback on the role to gauge our programme with the intention to remodel where needed. Feedback has been positive and provides tangible data on quality and quantitative benefits.

All PA’s are undertaking departmental service improvement projects to highlight service needs and value to be added by our new workforce which aligns with our trust vision. Their contribution increases patient safety, reduces waiting times and leads to increased productivity.

PA’s are contributing to first tier on call rotas, delivering patient care whilst helping to improve the quality of doctor training - there is an increased opportunity for doctors to access training, more clinic and theatre time.

PA’s do not rotate like junior doctors and as such retain institutional and departmental memory, as such they have become an integral part of departmental inductions.

By having a clear vision aligning with our overall organisational aims, we have been able to take staff on our journey.

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