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15 The foundation forum: a platform for developing leadership in medical education amongst foundation trainees
  1. Murtaza Kadhum1,
  2. Pierre Sinclair1,
  3. Chetan Narshi2
  1. 1Oxford University Clinical Academic Graduate School, Oxford University
  2. 2Department of Rheumatology, Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Buckinghamshire NHS Foundation Trust


Foundation forums have been adopted over the last few years to provide representation for newly qualified doctors. These forums, however, do not develop essential leadership, management and quality improvement skills for those recruited, key attributes that have been formally identified by recent GMC guidance. A foundation forum was set up across three Oxford deanery hospitals. Forum members were assigned classical forum roles, but were also tasked to complete quality improvement projects, organise a national quality improvement conference and undergo formal leadership and management training. Members were surveyed before and after training completion, revealing statistically significant confidence increases in leadership, management and quality improvement skills. All members revealed an eagerness to continue formal leadership and management training. The foundation forum proved a successful initiative to improve overall trainee experience and involvement, whilst providing a platform for leadership and management training to satisfy key domains within the Medical Leadership Competency Framework.

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