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110 The trigger project: introducing electronic patient reported outcome measures into radiotherapy services
  1. A Macnair1,
  2. A Sharkey1,
  3. K Le Calvez2,3,
  4. R Walters4,
  5. L Smith5,
  6. A Nelson6,
  7. J Staffurth7,8,
  8. M Williams3,9,
  9. D Bloomfield10,
  10. J Maher11,
  11. Trigger Project Collaborative group
  1. 1Macmillan Cancer Support and Royal College of Radiologists, Royal college of Radiologists, London
  2. 2Charing Cross Hospital, Radiotherapy Department, London
  3. 3Computational Oncology Laboratory, Institute of Global Health Innovation, Faculty Building, South Kensington Campus, Imperial College, London
  4. 4Pelvic Radiation Disease Association, Epsom
  5. 5NHS England National Cancer Programme, London
  6. 6Marie Curie Research Centre, Division of Population Medicine, School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff
  7. 7Velindre University NHS Trust, Cardiff
  8. 8School of Medicine, Cardiff University, Cardiff
  9. 9Charing Cross Hospital, Radiotherapy Department, London
  10. 10Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, Brighton
  11. 11Macmillan Cancer Support, London


Patients receiving pelvic radiotherapy can experience long term GI side effects post-radiotherapy. The Trigger project identifies patients experiencing symptoms of radiation-related bowel toxicity using the ALERT-B questionnaire, and directs them to the appropriate clinician. Trigger is a service evaluation project, aiming to prove the utility of electronic PROMs, and to demonstrate the feasibility of a low-resource project as a model for collecting PROMs. It is a collaboration between Macmillan Cancer Support, the Royal College of Radiologists, and three NHS Trusts: Velindre, Imperial College Healthcare and Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals.

Patients register on the Trigger website, hosted by My Clinical Outcomes, and receive periodic emails to complete the short ALERT-B questionnaire electronically, to screen for long-term bowel symptoms which could have been caused by pelvic radiotherapy. If answering ‘yes’ to any of the questions, patients are directed to appropriate services. 6 months following the completion of their radiotherapy, patients are sent a separate questionnaire to evaluate the utility of the project.

336 patients registered in first the 9 months across the 3 sites. Patients with a range of different cancers signed up: anal (2%), bladder (1%), prostate (87%), rectal (4%) and gynaecological (6%). 43 patients (/65 (uptake 66%)) have answered their 6-month post treatment questionnaire, and 72% answered ‘yes’ to at least one of the ALERT-B questions. 85% of responding patients reported they found the Trigger project helpful.

These promising results show that electronic PROMS can be introduced in radiotherapy departments using a low resource model. The Trigger project works as a feasibility model, showing patients engage with electronic PROMs projects, and find them useful. PROMs for other tumour types could be collected in a similar manner, based on the low-resource model used here, using site-specific PROMs based on the ALERT-B tool.

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