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54 Balint group as the tool for building horizontal structure and fostering patient-centred care: reflections on running balint group on an orthopaedic ward
  1. Elena Nam1,
  2. Paul Culatto2
  1. 1ST8, North West School of Psychiatry
  2. 2ST6, North West School of Psychiatry


The project took place on the emergency surgical and trauma unit at the Manchester Royal Infirmary. It was noted that patients with acute trauma would frequently include people with complex psychosocial difficulties.The intervention of Balint Group appeared to be most appropriate, which is un-structured reflective practice group initially created. It is important to note, that Balint group was selected both as intervention and assessment, as further reflections by the staff group would provide more insight into the nature of their difficulties.

We ran weekly 1-hour Balint Group session for 3 months. When running Balint Group a few main themes appeared, including 1) splitting up professional-patient relationship 2) avoidance of feeling 3) reduction of impact of responsibility by relying on superiors. Balint Group is effective in flattening hierarchy and helping the team to develop ‘horizontal structure’ with the free flow of ideas. In ‘horizontal structure’ professionals are accountable to patients and focussed on their care. Focus on professional-patient relationship and openness to difficult feelings is the building block of ‘horizontal structure’ in the team, which fosters growth and progress and high sensitivity to changing demands of environment, which are essential for effective leadership.

Balint group intervention in multidisciplinary team if a powerful assessment tool to explore the nature of the difficulties in the team, as well as it is a useful intervention, which helps to flatten hierarchy within the team, increase the flow of ideas from bottom up, and increase the sense of inidividual responsibility within the team. We present the qualitative and quantitative analysis, following the pilot project to support the benefit of running the Balint group in multidisciplinary team.

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