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32 Tea break talk – a wellbeing initiative for junior doctors
  1. Bernadetta Btari Adityani,
  2. Cristina Musat
  1. University Hospitals Plymouth, NHS Trust, UK


Background The 2019 BMA report on ‘Caring for the mental health of the medical workforce’ found that 80% of doctors are at high risk of burnout with junior doctors being most at risk. The 2018 GMC Training Environment Report also found that 25% of doctors in training felt burnout associated with high workloads, rota gaps, and a lack of a supportive environment.

Method Members of the Junior Doctors Representative Committee at University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust, launched a bi-monthly initiative called Tea Break Talk, with BMA funding. Through open group discussions and questionnaires we assessed perceptions around seeking support from Clinical/Educational Supervisors and we supported the wellbeing of junior doctors locally by signposting available services and peer-led discussion/reflection.

Results Over 3 months, we obtained feedback from doctors ranging from F1-ST6 levels. All responders found these sessions to be beneficial and a safe platform to discuss concerns regarding their wellbeing and professional development. 44% of the attendees were not aware of the existing counselling services; only 48% felt comfortable discussing stressful scenarios with their supervisors; one third of responders would discuss other personal or health-related concerns with their supervisors and almost 20% felt that doing so would reflect badly on them.

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