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98 Leading in communication between healthcare professionals
  1. Fatemeh Keshtkar1,
  2. Bill Campbell2
  1. 1Royal Victoria Hospital, UK
  2. 2Causeway Hospital, UK


The aim of this project was to assess effectiveness of communication among health care professionals, with view to improving handover, team work and patient safety.

Background Communication between the multidisciplinary team and handover is a perilous procedures in medicine, and when carried out improperly can be a major contributory factor to subsequent error and harm to patients. Within the surgical departments in Causeway Hospital an increasing number of adverse incidents were noted due to poor communication between healthcare professionals

Methodology A questionnaire was distributed among members of frontline staff. The questionnaire was designed to assess how well members felt information was communicated. The quality and content of written communication was also assessed to identify pit falls. Recorded adverse incidents with root cause analysis leading to communication issues were also taken into account.

As a result of the problem areas identified in written communication, a proforma was made for purposes of handover. A lead was assigned in order to evaluate methods of handover, to audit this and make changes where required. Staff were trained in human factors and SBAR. A lead communication nurse was selected to ensure appropriate use of the proforma and training staff.

Results A further questionnaire was distributed following the implemented changes-staff felt communication had significantly improved and there were fewer errors as a result.

Analysis of written notes showed the use of post it notes had significantly reduced (to less than half) and there was 100% compliance with use of proforma which were correctly filled in 100% of cases.

Following implemented changes there were no recorded adverse incidents as a result of poor communication among multidisciplinary team.

Conclusion Assigning and training leaders in communication among front line staff can improve perceptions and reduce adverse events as a result of poor communication.

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