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10 Building leaders for london: the london clinical senate fellowship programme
  1. Elizabeth R Wan1,
  2. Harry Alcock2
  1. 1Royal Free Hospital NHS Trust, UK
  2. 2Lincoln County Hospital NHS Trust, UK


Context In 2017 a new programme was established to support four junior doctors as ‘London Clinical Senate Fellows’, in partnership with Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management (FMLM). London is one of four NHS England regions, covering a population of 8 million people. The London Clinical Senate is a source of advice to commissioners and other stakeholders in the region. The Senate wished to engage trainees and provide them with training in leadership at a system level in London.

Intervention The aims of the fellowship are twofold. First, to improve the Clinical Senate Forum through (1) organisation and planning and (2) sharing the junior doctor perspective during the forum meeting.

Second, building expertise and experience of fellows through (1) mentorship; (2) engagement and participation within the forum; and (3) skill and knowledge development. Each of the fellows have shadowed staff at NHS England, and been paired with a mentor in their chosen field.

Measurement of improvement Clinical senate fellows have kept logs of experience and reflections, as well as publishing on the FMLM website. As the programme reaches half-way through, progress will be measured by way of a questionnaire to gauge satisfaction with the programme for fellows, their supervisors and other clinical senate members.

Impact The fellows report improved confidence in public speaking and a better understanding of the systems which underpin the services they work in. The Senate now has access to a new perspective on services, which enriches the debates they hold. The greatest impact interventions were fellows presenting at senate forums, and shadowing key figures in NHS England.

Messages for others This programme could be easily replicated across other strategic areas of England and beyond. It provides leadership experience to doctors in training, whilst also benefiting the host organisation where they are embedded due to fellows sharing their learning experiences with their peers.

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