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25 Junior doctor changeover: a collaborative approach to improvement
  1. Anne-Marie McClean1,
  2. Rachel Campbell2,
  3. Paul Millar1
  1. 1The Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, Belfast, UK
  2. 2NIMDTA- Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency, UK


Background The South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (SEHSCT) is one of 5 trusts in Northern Ireland. On changeover days (first Wednesdays of August and February) junior doctors are invited to signing on sessions organised by the Human Resources (HR) team to complete paperwork and receive identity badges. Changeover can be a busy time for junior doctors and the HR Team. Feedback from the August 2017 signing-on sessions indicated dissatisfaction with lengthy waiting time, badges not correctly activated and difficulty accessing clinical care areas.

Aim To improve the signing on process for junior doctors starting new training posts in the SEHSCT

Methods We organized joint meetings between junior doctors and the HR Team and employed PLAN-DO-STUDY-ACT cycles.

For the February 2018 changeover, we improved the practicalities of the signing on process for junior doctors. Improvements included:

  • Advance Electronic Form and Photograph Submission

  • Advance Identity Badge Preparation

  • Venue Change to Reduce Queuing.

For the August 2018 changeover we organised a Welcome Evening for junior doctors. This event combined the signing-on process with leadership talks from the SEHSCT senior management team.

Results Focus group feedback was very positive and 32 doctors completed written questionnaires:

  • 100% of doctors said they felt welcomed to the SEHSCT

  • 91% of doctors would attend a welcome event in the future

  • 97% of doctors rated the event as good/very good/excellent

  • 100% of doctors rated the venue as good/very good/excellent

  • 97% of doctors stated they better understood the management structure of SEHSCT.

Conclusions Improving the signing on process required collaboration between junior doctors and the HR team. There is a firm working relationship between both parties, based on mutual respect and appreciation for each other’s perspectives. Doctors now start their experience at the SEHSCT feeling welcomed and valued.

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